Now is a good season for the health conscious to check up on the latest in gym exercise equipment. A wide variety of gym exercise equipment is available in the market each designed to tone the specific part of the body. So for that lasting impression as you stride down the beach and flaunt it, […]
Category: Body Building
Am I Too Old to Pump Iron?
Are you too old for weight lifting? Will weight lifting help you stay and look younger? The answer to the first question is no and to the second is a resounding yes. Weight lifting will help both men and women stay fit and supple and might even help you look younger. And, no matter what […]
Atkins Diet — The Final Verdict
Supporters of the Atkins Diet claim that a low carbohydrate diet is a safe and effective method for losing weight. This article evaluates the low carbohydrate diet and specifically the claims made about ketosis. <h4>The Low Carb-Ketosis Link</h4> By severely limiting carbohydrates in your diet, the main energy source used by your body, glucose, drops […]