My name is Greg Ryan and I am a high profile fitness expert. In twenty years of being a personal trainer and health club consultant, I am frightened at how fast the health of Americans is deteriorating. You are being eaten alive from the inside out by diabetes, heart disease and obesity. And the scary […]
Category: Body Building
Fitness Supplement
Fitness Supplement what is it? The term fitness supplement is familiar to almost everyone nowadays. Fitness supplement is a supplement that is designed to help people who use it to achieve several results that include but are not limited to weight gain or weight loss, muscle building, adding vitamins or minerals to their diet, […]
Fruits, juices, and food for relieving hemorrhoids part II
Eating the right kind of food and following good eating habits will speed up your healing of your hemorrhoids. If you have a diet that is hard to digest and moves slowly through your colon, then, expect to have constipation which will encourage formation of hemorrhoids or prevent the their healing. Here are some foods […]