Every fisherman dreams of a bigger catch! Is it possible to know beforehand when you should plan a trip to enjoy some fishing, catch more than usual, and come home feeling 100% satisfied? Based on my own personal research around the best fishing times, I think it is. When I first started fishing, the best […]
Eel And Eelskin Lures
Eel and eelskin lures are used mostly in saltwater to catch such fish as striped bass, bluefish, snook, and marlin. The most difficult part about making eel and eelskin lures will often be obtaining the eels themselves. The eel usually used is the so- called “common eel” found from Labrador to Brazil along the Atlantic […]
Downloading free audio books or buying other audio books methods
The modern technology gives us the opportunity to open the existing concept of a book. Nowadays, in addition to reading a book in the old fashioned way, one can listen to audio book in one of at least 3 methods: An audio book on a cassette, an audio book on a CD or an audio […]